Friday, December 08, 2006

Demoniacs in the way

When Jesus came to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, two men who were demon-possessed met Him on the road Jesus was taking from the sea. These men were extremely violent; the people of that region knew better than to take that road. Before Jesus did anything, the demons cried out to Jesus, recognizing who He was. Knowing He would probably cast them out, they asked to be sent into a herd of swine nearby. Jesus simply said, 'Begone', and the demons came out and went into the pigs.

The pigs immediately rushed down a steep bank into the sea, and perished in the waters. The herdsmen, having seen what had happened to the demoniacs and the pigs, ran back to town. The people of the city came out to met Jesus, and asked Him to depart.

Jesus had come to preach in this region, but He left as the people asked. The demons had driven the pigs into the sea, causing the people in the nearby city to be upset. The people were frightened by what Jesus could do. The demons had worked to prevent Jesus from preaching, even though He had authority over them. These demoniacs had been a barrier on this road leading from the sea to the region. Even when they had been cast out, they found a way to obstruct the path of Jesus in this region. The reaction of the people demonstrated that they had great influence in this area. This Legion tried to keep Jesus from preaching in the region.

The disciples saw what happened, and they saw what Jesus did. Jesus honored the request of the people of that city, even though He wanted to preach in those cities. In a way, the demons had successfully defended the region. The disciples saw Jesus turn back, and return to the boat. He did not preach in this region at this time.

Mark and Luke add that one of the men, out of whom the demons were cast, followed Jesus. When the men of the city came out to ask Jesus to leave, they found him clothed and in his right mind, sitting at the feet of Jesus. This man wanted to go with Jesus, but Jesus directed him to return to his own home, and tell everyone what God had done for him.

The Legion had kept Jesus from entering, but they did not stop the man whom they had oppressed for so long. This man went into the region proclaiming what Jesus had done for him.

But what the disciples had seen was a confrontation with demons that had tried to prevent Jesus from preaching in the cities of that region. The people of this city were afraid, and had asked Him to leave; He departed as they requested. These people were not ready yet to listen, and Jesus left. The Legion of demons were involved in the fear of the people, but Jesus did not proceed against their wishes. He returned to where the people wanted to listen.

The disciples saw something they needed to see; a door is not open in every place. There is opposition to the message; sometimes the door is closed. Matthew did not add what the man who had been released did; Matthew focused on the one aspect of the story only.

Sometimes the door is closed.


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